Montag, 25. Juli 2016

Views - GoPro between the ears and a tape from 'the outside'

I wait for opportunities like this. They are rare and I have to have my techie stuff at hand.

I can't decide which view is 'better'. Both views have surprises which I would not see without knowing the other view. The view from the GoPro wobbles more, of course, but seems to be more lively because of that. But it's more stressful to look at.
There is an interesting part at 45 s. The cow is turning and is she threatening? At 1:52 s another cow starts this kind of movement too.
All in all: The tape from the outside is 'good', but also boring after you see it once. The thrill comes when I look between the ears and I can switch in this different view of life.

2 Kommentare:

  1. I love how Pepe is so curious about the cows but makes sure to keep his mouth full at the same time.
    Happy Pony, happy Sabine, Good looking milkers.

  2. I think there is a lot of interaction between these two species. But it looks very healthy!



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