Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2016

The communicating pony head

Which parts of the Ponyhead are expressional and thereby involved in the communication process? With the following pictures I try to highlight the spots.

Ear: Posture of the ear, root and top of the ear
Eye: Posture of the pupil. The area at the front at above
the eye can move.
Nostrils: Opening and muscles around the nostrils. 
All signals together are giving the hole picture.

Three examples with Point:

On guard, because Pepe hold his halter with his teeth.
Fun can get serious very fast.
Point is in pain. The whole muscles around the nuzzles are cramped.
The lips are pressed closed together.
He is concentrated but relaxed. The jaws are tight,
because he is eating. Nuzzles are relaxed.
Pepe after jogging: Relaxed and satisfied.
Attentive, but not alarmed. Both turn the head, both each has one 
ear and Moritz also an eye to the front.
The whole body language signals, no stress. All Ponys
have one ear to the camera.

For our project I focus on the Ponyhead. But of course a Pony has a lot more to communicate with!

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