Mittwoch, 20. April 2016

From the 3D scan to the print job

It's been a while that I wrote here about the 3D scanning of the Ponyheads. Meanwhile happened a lot and before and during Easter time mails were flown between Stefan NitzMarianne Ternek and myself to an fro. Stefan had worked a lot with the data, I got a lot of orders for remeasuring Pepe's head and Marianne looked with a very professional eye at the intermediate results.

Request for measurement from Stefan looked like this

Pepe was very patient
Comments from Marianne often looked like this:

It felt like hundreds of emails and I think the tension rised with all of us. Easter Monday was the last day and Stefan presented the final version here. Meanwhile the look of the pictures had changed a lot.

Almost final version
Our teamwork was fascinating. Marianne and Stefan had never met or even phoned. I only have seen both of them once. But we operated well together, as if it was our 10th project. For all of us it was unknown territory and therefor I think this teamwork was kind of unprecedented and I like to think back to this intensive time. We often just discuss questions of proportion like what about the muzzle, what to do with this huge amount of hair or are the nostrils ok? By all these questions I tried to measure or made photos, Marianne surprised us with pictures she found in my own Blog: Friendly Hairy Creature.
Tuesday after Easter the print should start. All in all the whole head needed 52 h printing time. During the week I couldn't help but asked Stefan how is it going, because I started counting hours beginning on Tuesday morning. Of course by a job like this, there are also some preparations on the printer side.
Last question was about the material. The suggestion was a sort of polypropylen that means it would be transparent.
In between Stefan sent us a video with the following words: "Pepe looks good in the printer. Attached a video - but you can't see much. The laserpoint drives over the model and are heating up the material."

Finally a picture from the head. More pictures are in the next post. We took some and I want to share them separately.

1:1 Druck von Pepes Kopf

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