Montag, 29. Mai 2017

Across the street - Moritz and Sabine

I plan to ride Moritz and we are both wearing the GoPro.

Cheerful, at least me

I wanted to visit one of my favorite places: The picnic meadow, and therefor I have to cross a frequented street. When I looked at the videos I saw that I move my head from left to right to increase my field of view and Moritz before me is just moving his ears.

Of course Moritz has no understanding of 'How to cross a street'. He would just move froward if this is the direction he wants to go. I tried it with my G. I drove slowly towards them, but they continued to come closer and closer. The possibility of a crash seems not to exist. I tried to remember how they deal with it among themselves, with and without me: They avoid to bump into another, but when they do it, it has a different meaning. There are no coincidences. Bumping has a meaning.
Besides his flexible ears he has an almost 360 degree field of view. Just in front and behind him there is a blind spot, which is easly to observe with a minimal movenment of the head.

Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2017

A bike trip with three Ponys and the E-FatBike_1

I made this bike trip a while ago: 31.10.2016.
Again and again I looked partly at the videos, but this material is huge and I surrendered.

But I started again and I have fun.

Before we even started there is one scene from my point of view and Point's.
In the second part Point's ear is following me while closing the gate behind them. Only through looking at it I feel cared and cuddly.

Besides: A triple praise for the Ponys who just stand stil while I go round and do differnt stuff.


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