Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2016

The third one: Pepe

At this video you should look with a portion of humor. I want to gave a look 'behind the scenery', how photos and videos are produced. So, please smile!

Pepe's point of perspective comes from much more below. Head, ears are a lot smaller, therefor he has much more hair ... So the ears are just caught in the camera picture.

As always: Look at the ears.

At the beginning and at the end you see the view from external.

Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016

Decision has to be made by Point

This time Point is wearing the GoPro between his ears. All in all he is much more restless with his head than Moritz, but this is his character. Besides he runs free.
The snippet happens at a parting of a ways, all in all 5 different paths are leaving.
In between he is scratching his mouth at his leg.
First he walks in front, than we overtake in his back and he follows.

After seeing this video a lot of people say that the scratching seems like a displacement activity.

Freitag, 22. Januar 2016

First attempt of empathy

What is the issue here?
About the empathy into the world of how a pony sees and perceive.

The ears!
The biker is sensed early and is taken 'between the ears'.
In the second part: Normally that gate is closed. The path you see borders the meadow of the ponies and for that belongs to their territory. What I didn't know - and saw later - there were people.

About SLAP

SLAP – See Like A Pony
With SLAP we want to make robotics more understandable. Clifford Nass drew the comparison of robots with domesticated animals. They are useful, but also dangerous. But, how do we comunicate with animals? How does it work?

So don't hesitate, design a test: SLAP - See Like a Pony.
As guinea pigs we like to use my ponys. They are as creatures alien to us, but also familiar. And they can develop a lot of kinetic energy.
Neuroscience has a concept for interaction called Mind Reading. It works with living beings: we represent them in our own minds, and then try to model their mood to predict their actions. Now we try that in a novel way with our ponies.
Hope it will bring us insight for robotic interaction, and fun!


Dear readers all new posts will be published at:  SLAP I will make this side billingual like:  Friendly Hairy Creatures